國立中山大學 人文暨科技跨領域學士學位學程 (Program in Interdisciplinary Studies, National Sun Yat-sen University)

國立中山大學人文暨科技跨領域學士學位學程 誠徵「電機/資工/機械/控制類」專任教師






一、聘任職稱:專任助理教授(或以上職級) /1-2










  • 具全英語教學能力者(依本校規定,新聘任教師每學期應開設最少一門全英文授課課程)







(二)申請者之完整著作目錄(需含博士論文題目,個人著作必須依期刊、會議論文集、專書、國家科學及技術委員會計畫等分類詳列)。其中五年內論文歸屬 SCIE、SSCI、AHCI者,請註明(含等級),若為第一作者或通訊作者,亦請註明。











  1. 聯 絡 人: 中山大學人文暨科技跨領域學士學位學程 張小姐
  2. 聯絡電話:07-5252000分機5740
  3. 電子郵件:cmd8099@mail.nsysu.edu.tw
  4. 地址:804高雄市鼓山區蓮海路70號圖書館十樓西灣學院「國立中山大學人文暨科技跨領域學士學位學程」



Recruitment of Full-time Faculty Position in Electrical Engineering/Computer Science/Mechanical Engineering/Control Fields at Program for Interdisciplinary Studies, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.


Program for Interdisciplinary Studies, National Sun Yat-sen University is a pioneer in interdisciplinary innovative education in Taiwan. It aims to continue developing a co-learning environment with humanistic care, technological practice, and environmental sustainability.

The program cultivates students to engage in international important trend issues and develop the vision and practical abilities to become top interdisciplinary talents on the international stage.


1.Position: 1~2 full-time Assistant Professor (or above)

2.Starting date: beginning from 1 February 2025


(a) Ph.D. degree in science, engineering, or technology related fields.

(b) Experience and expertise in interdisciplinary teaching or research.

(c) At least one academic article published in a Q2 level journal or above.

(d) Satisfying all requirements outlined by the university’s recruitment board. Information available at: https://ope.nsysu.edu.tw/p/412-1011-363.php?Lang=zh-tw

4. In addition to the aforementioned qualifications, applicants should:

(a) Possess innovative practical skills and be capable of engaging in teaching, collaborative research projects, and guiding interdisciplinary projects for university students.

(b) Having the ability to integrate technological hardware and software skills, or expertise in human-computer interaction, is especially beneficial.

(d) Have proficiency in English teaching (In accordance with the university's regulations, newly appointed faculty members are required to offer at least one course taught entirely in English each semester).

5. Courses to be Offered:

5. Courses to be Offered:

(a) Courses to be offered:

Applications of Science (compulsory)

Maker-Basic (compulsory)

Basic Computer Programming and Application (compulsory)

(b) Other interdisciplinary related courses to be offered (focus on interdisciplinary innovation linked to individual expertise)

6.Application: The applicants are expected to submit the following documents:

(a) Applicant's personal information and resume (including autobiography, education, experience, thoughts on teaching and research, etc.) The form is available at: https://ope.nsysu.edu.tw/p/412-1011-165.php?Lang=zh-tw

(b) A list of publications. Separate degree dissertations, monographs, book chapters, journal papers, and conference proceedings in different categories. Please indicate if the paper is SCIE, SSCI, or AHCI within five years, and indicate if you are the first author or corresponding author.

(c) Copies of academic qualifications and experience certificates (including teaching certificates (exempted for first-time teachers), degree certificates, transcripts and other experiences; foreign qualifications must be authenticated) and certificates of awards (such as prizes from international or national competitions).

(d) Abstracts of Ph.D. dissertation and scholarly publications within the last five years.

(e) Approved list or activity information of government agencies or industry subsidy programs within three years.

(f) Two letters of recommendation or list of at least two referees (including names and contact information).

(g) Course outlines for at least three teaching subjects (two compulsory and one elective courses).

(h) Provide the outlines of courses that have been offered in the past and a survey of teaching opinions.

(i) Other Personal Characteristics Information.

Deadline for receipt: April 30, 2024

Please send a complete pdf file (not encrypted) to pis@mail.nsysu.edu.tw. You will receive a confirmation letter within two days after sending the electronic file; if you do not receive it, please contact Ms. Zhang (+886-7-5252000 ext.5740) for further information.

7. For further information please contact Ms. Zhang, Program for Interdisciplinary Studies at National Sun Yat-sen University.

TEL: +886-7-5252000 ext.5740

E-mail: cmd8099@mail.nsysu.edu.tw
